Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mini break

I am taking a little blog break - I've spent the past few days at the hospital, my daughter had an operation after a burst appendix. She is recovering and doing good. I got a wonderful surprise today when checking my mail - Karen from the Graphics Fairy featured my Young Queen Victoria collage on Brag Monday! I would not be able to do what I do without Karen's amazing blog with free graphics!


  1. Tania,
    so sorry to hear about your daughter. I wish her a speedy recovery!
    Congratulations that Karen featured your work. So glad that more people will get to see your work this way:0)

  2. Ouch! All best wishes for your daughter's speedy recovery. I'm sure your work will be even more spectacular after a little break.

  3. All best wishes for your daughter and you and your family. Hope that your daughter will recover very soon.
    Congratulations for being featured on Karen's blog, your graphic is just absolutely amazing.
    Have a good break and hopefully will see your wonderful work soon again. xx
