Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time travel

I think I said it before, but here it is again - I would so LOVE to take a trip in a hot air balloon. It just seems so romantic! My entry for the time challenge at Three Muses


  1. Ohhhhh A fantastic travel..
    Love your time-balloon!!
    A great piece of art.

  2. I have the same wish too, Tania, there are opportunities to do so not far from where I live, perhaps the early morning start puts me off! Wonderful take on the theme, time certainly is flying!

  3. lovely piece yes we should all take time out and watch the world go by from way up there a once in a lifetime experience.

  4. I too am spellbound by these beautiful things in the air.
    But I am afraid of heights so I guess I will keep my feet planted on the ground.

    Wonderful artwork…


  5. Beautiful, Tania! Love the little hint of colour!

  6. Lovely time-balloon, Tania. Traveling in a balloon is one of my must-do-before-dying.

  7. Sometime ago I bought hubby a trip in a hot air balloon and he loved it. I took photos of the balloon rising into the sky and he took photos of the what he could see from the air - a lovely pictorial memory to keep!

    Your artwork is lovely, Tania, I love the uncluttered look you have created.

    I hope you get to ride in a balloon some day.

  8. Lovely card Tania just gorgeous...I love your balloon idea...awesome work!!

  9. I LOVE the concept of time as a hot air balloon! What vision our artists have. How fortunate we are that you share them with us. This is beautifully done!
