Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wise words

With valentines day around the corner, I thought a quote on love is just the right thing for the quotation challenge at Three Muses.


  1. So beautiful! Love the pastel colour and beautiful quote. Hugs xx

  2. Tania, wise words indeed and a beautiful quote we do well to listen to. I love the gorgeous pale blue you have used as the background too.

  3. How clever to make the quote BE the art! Wonderful quote. So true. It made me think of this one I came across recently:
    "There are things you do because they just seem right
    & they make no sense
    & they nake no money
    & it just may be the real reason we are here is to love each other and eat each other's cooking"

  4. beautiful words and love the background colour!

  5. Tania, I love your deeply meaningful quote and the use of pastel blue and white which make for a delicate background. Oscar Wilde is famous for so many humorous quotes - mostly one liners - so the one you have found is a pleasant change.

  6. Very pretty,I like thecolour and the fonts
